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Digital Transformation

What is Digital Transformation? A complete Guide


It's challenging to think about business growth without discussing digital transformation in 2023. A lack of clarity about digital transformation strategy is a top reason why some businesses slow down or stall momentum when becoming digitally mature. Clarity comes with what digital transformation means to your organization. Is it just going paperless, hiring digital experts, moving to the cloud, or adopting new technologies? DX is not a single project, it is a multi-step journey that can take anything from weeks to months, and it is easy to feel overwhelmed by all the changes. For CIOs, business leaders, and IT experts, understanding digital transformation and how it can help your organization before making any significant changes are essential.

What is digital transformation?

Digital transformation is a need for the hour for every company, irrespective of the industry and size. A startup automating its manual processes and a Fortune 500 company introducing a mobile app are two different digital transformation scenarios. But in the end, they will bring their own set of benefits respectively. So what exactly is digital transformation?

DX isn't any single action. It is a compilation of many.

  • A shift in mindset encourages everyone to embrace change and break habits.
  • Establishing strong cultures that are adopted by employees and leadership alike.
  • The capability to think deeply, ask pertinent questions, and find solutions
  • Letting technology highlight employee expertise and drives constant innovation
  • An approach that helps continually improve the process and maximize productivity
  • Being able to evolve with the landscape, understand customers, and drive value.

Definition of Digital Transformation:

Digital Transformation is a very broad term, and many leaders and CXOs have different definitions of it. Digital transformation means different things to different organizations depending on the specific needs and goals, as we said before. However, holistically, we define digital transformation as the use of technology to radically improve the performance of an organization. Technology enables improved processes, engaged talent, operational excellence, and new business models in a digitally transformed business.

It mainly focused on the cultural shift, like how an organization operates internally to attain its business goals, like improving productivity, increasing revenue streams, and ensuring customer experience.

Some examples of digital transformation use cases and initiatives:

  1. Automating processes. Automating manual tasks in an organization can help improve efficiency, reduce errors and costs, and free up time for employees to focus on higher-value tasks. It is possible by using technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, workflow automation systems, and robotics.
  2. Legacy app modernization. Modernizing legacy applications involves updating or replacing outdated systems with newer, more efficient technologies. This process can help organizations improve the performance and functionality of their applications, as well as reduce the cost and complexity of maintaining legacy systems.
  3. Having a modern technology stack. Implementing new technologies that are often designed to be more efficient and easier to use can help streamline processes and reduce the time required to complete tasks. For example, by investing in technologies that leverage no-code and low-code, organizations can quickly develop custom applications without needing a large team of developers.
  4. Improving customer experience: This initiative should provide more personalized and convenient customer experiences or develop new products and services that better meet customer needs. Using chatbots to provide quick and efficient customer service or using virtual reality to allow customers to experience products before they buy them.
  5. Reorganizing the organization: This might involve restructuring the organization to better align with digital initiatives or creating new roles and responsibilities to support the digital transformation effort.
  6. Enhancing collaboration and communication: Foster collaboration across different departments and teams, enabling them to work together towards a common vision.
  7. Expanding into new markets: Digital transformation initiatives might include exploring new business models, entering new markets, reaching new customers, or delivering products and services in new ways.
  8. Using powerful data analytics: Using AI, Machine learning, big data, and analytics to make data-driven decisions or to use the Internet of Things (IoT) to collect and analyze data from connected devices.

Let's look at some examples of Digital Transformation across industries and departments.

Industry / Department  Example Usecases
Manufacturing  Inventory Management, Warehouse Management, 

Supplier portal management

Banking, Finance, and Insurance  Insurance Claims, Fraud Analysis, Investigation, Loan services
Healthcare Medical care management, Lab Management, Patient lifecycle management
Oil & Gas Approvals processes for property and leasing, Digital e-permit, Environmental approvals
HR Employee Onboarding, Leave Management, Appraisal process
Logistics & Supply Chain Fleet management, Regulatory compliance, the Vehicle recall process

Check out the 9+ Examples of Digital Transformation for every business usecases in detail.

But before taking digital initiatives, understand what is possible with digital transformation.

It includes recognizing the capabilities of your technology, team, leadership, budget, and customers.

"The multitude of siloed work management tools has created a complex, disjointed digital ecosystem. A holistic digital transformation is impossible without an inclusive approach where business experts and IT teams can co-create," says Suresh Sambandam, CEO of Kissflow.

Why is digital transformation important for business?

Companies have recognized the importance of digital transformation and its impact on business. Digitally transformed organizations are expected to contribute to more than half of the GDP by 2023, accounting for $53.3 trillion (IDC, 2020).

Why does digital transformation matter?

Digital transformation is now the biggest concern for directors, CEOs, and other C-level executives. Based on Statistica [1], By the end of 2026, global digital transformation spending is forecast to reach 3.4 trillion U.S. dollars.

It helps businesses better understand and respond to changing customer needs and preferences and adapt to new market trends and challenges. Digitally mature companies were able to improve their efficiency, productivity, and customer satisfaction by prioritizing their digital initiatives.

Leveraging digital transformation can benefit businesses by reducing costs, increasing revenue, and improving profitability. Based on a recent survey by Gartner, 56 percent of CEOs said that their digital improvements have already improved profits. In addition, It can help businesses better leverage data and analytics, enabling them to make more informed decisions and gain a competitive advantage.

For a successful Journey, knowing how digital transformation benefits your business is important. Here are some common advantages irrespective of any industry.

  • Increasing productivity,
  • Enhances Data Collection and Analysis,
  • Improved Customer Experience,
  • Better Resource Management,
  • Raises Profitability

Companies that have higher digital maturity reported 45 percent [2] higher revenue growth compared to 15 percent for lower maturity companies. According to SAP Center for Business Insights and Oxford Economics, 80 [3] percent of firms that can complete their digital transformation have increased company profits, and 85 percent reported an increase in their market share.

Signs that your business needs digital transformation

Are you still confused about taking a digital transformation initiative? Take a look at these signs that emphasize some common business problems.

      1. Digital-Savvy customers: If your customers are increasingly expecting digital interactions and services that you don't currently offer and if you are struggling to keep up with changing customer needs and preferences, it is time to optimize your business for digital-savvy customers.
      2. Competition: If your competitors are outperforming you in terms of digital solutions, customer satisfaction, efficiency, or profitability.
      3. Digital native companies: If many of your competitors that mushroomed recently during the digital era have outperformed you by using modern business tactics, it's time for you to make the transition.
      4. Digital disruptors: If your product/service is no longer applicable due to an upgraded product/service that utilizes the latest technology, it's time for you to make the necessary changes to accelerate your business.
      5. Roadblocks: If you are still stuck with legacy technologies, they can cause disruptions in your business operations and pose security risks due to their lack of protection against advanced cyber threats. If your business relies on these technologies, they may slow down overall operations and hinder your ability to adapt to changing market conditions.
      6. Outdated Application/Process: If you are using outdated or manual processes that are slow, error-prone, or costly, modernizing and automating your operations are necessary.

Digital Transformation trends and market growth for 2023 and beyond

The digital transformation market has been growing rapidly in recent years as more and more companies have adopted digital technologies to improve their operations and customer experiences. The global digital transformation market size is expected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 21.1 percent to reach USD 1,548.9 billion by 2027 from USD 594.5 billion in 2022.[4]

CIOs’ top areas of increased spending in 2023 [5] include cyber and information security (70 percent), business intelligence/data analytics (53 percent), and cloud platforms (48 percent). However, just 34 percents are increasing investment in artificial intelligence (AI) and 24 percent in hyper-automation.

Twenty-nine percent [6] of CEOs and executives reported a positive impact on growth when they pushed through with digital transformation, while 41 percent noted that their sales and marketing campaigns were positively affected by the change.

Digital transformation drives growth and revenue. From 2020 to 2023, the projected GDP contribution will be 65 percent or around $ 6.8 trillion from direct digital transformation investments.

What’s the difference between digitization, digitalization, and digital transformation?

There is a major misconception that digitization, digitalization, and digital transformation mean the same. But that’s not true. Digitization and digitalization are the first two steps leading to digital transformation.

Digitization refers to converting information, such as text, images, and audio, into a digital format that can be stored, processed, and transmitted electronically. This involves using computers, scanners, and other equipment to capture and convert analog data into a digital form that can be easily stored, shared, and manipulated.

Digitalization refers to using digital technologies to improve a business or organization's efficiency, effectiveness, and competitiveness. This involves integrating digital tools and processes into various aspects of the organization, such as marketing, sales, customer service, and operations. Digitalization can lead to increased productivity, improved communication and collaboration, and enhanced customer experiences.

Digital transformation is the broader process of fundamentally changing how an organization operates and delivers value to customers by leveraging digital technologies. It involves a wide range of activities, including digitization and digitalization, as well as the adoption of new business models, the redesign of organizational structures and processes, and the upskilling of employees.

Digital transformation requires a strategic and holistic approach, transforming not just individual technologies or processes but the entire organization and its relationship with customers, partners, and employees.

Types of Digital Transformation

Digital transformation cannot happen with just a single adjustment. It must be a change that tackles these four types, which include:

Process Transformation.

Here we see the focus on integrating technologies to reinvent a company’s processes. The goal is to increase productivity, improve the customer experience for both existing and new clients, and generally lower costs.

Process transformation is significant as it can bring positive changes to the organization. A recent survey suggests that about 58 percent of respondents cite higher efficiency rates, while about 43 percent experienced cost reduction by eliminating repetitive manual procedures.

Because these transformations focus on specific business areas, the CIO or CDO usually leads the innovations.

Business Model Transformation

A more profound way to disrupt the market is to change traditional business models completely. Technologies create constant updates on how to reinvent how a product or service is delivered, and it’s up to companies to take the step to be first in their industry to do so. Since we have seen how lack of innovation (e.g., Nokia) has led to the downfall of former giant brands, focusing on business model transformation can keep the organization relevant and strong.

Some examples of business model transformation include how Netflix designed video content distribution while providing a seamless customer experience. Another big shift was Uber’s impact on the taxi industry. Their business model eliminated the need for a single business owner to own a fleet of taxis and provided a more secure and trackable way to offer the service to customers.

Apple’s success can also be attributed to a business model transformation, where instead of focusing on utility, like most electronics, Steve Jobs’ direction of creating premium and aesthetically beautiful consumer electronics changed the game.

Shifting the fundamentals of an industry requires calculated risk and complex strategy. Hence, the top management will require Strategy and Business Units collaboration in this type of endeavor. When done the right way, it opens considerable opportunities for growth.

Domain Transformation

When firms incorporate technologies, these can transform products and services and even create non-traditional competitors. In short, new tech can unlock new pathways for your organization beyond what is currently offered.

One major example is Amazon. The company expanded into a new market domain with the cloud computing service Amazon Web Services (AWS) launch. While it may seem like an offshoot project, AWS is an entirely separate business. The company’s entry into the cloud service would not have been possible without its solid digital capabilities as an online retailer. What’s more, Amazon has the right connections with small businesses that need computing services to grow. Because they maximized domain transformation, AWS now generates about 60 percent of Amazon’s profit.

Domain transformation highlights growth – unforeseen usually, but always on the horizon when an organization completes its digital transformation.

Cultural Transformation

Digital transformation requires long-term and step-by-step redefining of organizational mindsets, skills, and processes that allow staff, from the leadership to the ground-level individuals, to gain traction in a highly agile workflow.

Cultural transformation can be best seen in businesses that shift employee focus from equipment to data analytics. An example is the success of Experian, a consumer credit agency. The company was able to embed collaboration and agile development within the organization. This company-wide shift from equipment to a stronger reliance on data testing led to growth.

What drives digital transformation? and who?

Digital transformation has several use cases, but certain factors and stakeholders are critical in driving digital transformation. It consists of internal and external factors, including improving efficiency, reducing costs, staying competitive, meeting customer expectations, and driving growth and innovation.

      1. Customer expectations: Customers today expect seamless, personalized, and convenient experiences, and organizations that cannot meet these expectations may struggle to compete in the marketplace. Digital transformation can help organizations improve the customer experience by providing more convenient and efficient ways to interact with the company.
      2. Competition: Organizations may be driven to transform to stay competitive in their industry digitally. By adopting new technologies, they can improve their efficiency, reduce costs, and offer new and innovative products and services that their competitors may not be able to match.
      3. Regulatory requirements: In some cases, regulatory requirements may drive digital transformation. For example, organizations may be required to adopt new technologies or processes to comply with data protection laws or other regulations.
      4. Cost savings: Digital transformation can help organizations reduce costs by automating processes, improving efficiency, and streamlining operations.
      5. Growth and innovation: Digital transformation can also drive growth and innovation by enabling organizations to explore new business models and enter new markets. By adopting new technologies, organizations can create new products and services or find new ways of delivering existing ones.

The stakeholders who drive digital transformation are:

CIOs, CTOs, CEOs, Chief Digital Officers, and Chief Innovation Officers are all critical players in driving digital transformation within an organization. Each role uses digital technologies and processes to transform and modernize the business.

Digital transformation leaders oversee the overall strategy and direction of digital transformation efforts within an organization. They may work closely with other executives and stakeholders to develop and implement a plan to adopt new technologies and processes to achieve the desired outcomes.

CIOs (Chief Information Officers) and CTOs (Chief Technology Officers) are responsible for the overall management and strategy of an organization's information technology (IT) systems and infrastructure. They play a crucial role in driving digital transformation by identifying and implementing new technologies and processes to enable the organization to achieve its goals.

CEOs (Chief Executive Officers) are responsible for an organization's overall direction and performance. They set the strategic vision for the organization and ensure that the necessary resources are in place to support the adoption of new technologies and processes.

Chief Digital Officers are responsible for overseeing the digital strategy and initiatives of an organization. They work closely with other executives to identify digital transformation opportunities and develop and implement plans to achieve the desired outcomes.

Chief Innovation Officers are responsible for driving innovation within an organization. They may play a key role in driving digital transformation by identifying new technologies and processes to help the organization stay ahead of the curve and be more competitive in the market.

What does a successful digital transformation framework look like?

A digital transformation framework provides a clear roadmap for the organization, helping to define the goals and objectives of the digital transformation effort and how they align with the overall business strategy.

Building a framework is important as it.

      1. It can help the organization prioritize initiatives and allocate resources accordingly.
      2. It ensures that all stakeholders are aligned and working towards the same goals by fostering collaboration across different departments and teams,
      3. Sets metrics and benchmarks that can be used to measure progress and evaluate the success of the digital transformation effort.
      4. It helps an organization identify and mitigate potential risks and challenges associated with the digital transformation effort.

Leaders must think about these pillars when building the framework:

      • Digitizing operations
      • People (Customers and Employees)
      • Culture
      • Technology
      • Leadership

Examples of Digital transformation frameworks from the top consulting firms





Learn more about how to create a digital transformation framework for your organization.

Digital transformation roadmap

One challenge in digital transformation is that traditional maps, which provide detailed and specific directions to a destination, may not be effective. The digital transformation landscape constantly changes, and new obstacles and challenges can arise anytime. A map may not be able to anticipate or account for these unexpected developments, leading to confusion and setbacks.

In contrast, a more flexible and adaptable plan can help organizations prepare for and navigate unexpected obstacles that may arise during the digital transformation journey. A plan allows organizations to anticipate potential challenges and have strategies to deal with them rather than being caught off guard.

The plan should be flexible and adaptable. It should prioritize the highest-value problems and allow everyone to contribute most effectively. Like,

      • IT teams should focus on maintaining and improving core systems while using low-code development platforms for complex applications that need to be built and changed quickly.
      • Business users can use no-code development platforms to create their own processes and lightweight apps with IT oversight.
      • The internal user experience should be flexible and intuitive, while the external user experience should be professional-grade.
      • Collaboration tools can be sourced from vendors rather than being developed in-house.

What are the key elements to consider while strategizing your digital transformation?

Successful digital transformation can lead to greater profitability. Building the right Digital Transformation strategy requires understanding major areas that impact the organization's growth. Here are five major areas involved in digital transformation strategy:

In any organization, the top management must first decide where digital transformation can take place in their respective firm. Leaders that nurture a culture of innovation and willingness to digitize can move the business to change. The key here is not to add technology just for its sake. Rather, to utilize specific tech and applications to be more competitive and to cater to customers better.

Culture Shift

Digital transformation, from the term itself, entails transformation. Expect a culture shift within the organization, even though it will be difficult at first, but with every large-scale change, things even out. It's important to prepare employees and clients for the shift. Open dialogues, clear training, and consistent updates as to how digital transformation provides results for the company—all of these mechanisms can prepare everyone involved.

Digitally Adept Members

From the top management to the core digital transformation team, all the way to extended team members, a comprehensive digital transformation comprises staff that thoroughly practice and use ideal technologies.

Companies seeking to complete the shift must ensure their employees are on the same page. There’s a hands-on and long-term approach to legacy modernization, enterprise mobility, automation, and data science at every point of application. Leaders, architects, developers, product managers, and business users should be able to ask the right questions and solve problems.

Optimizing Processes

Optimization is at the heart of digital transformation. It should make the work simpler.

An effective business strategy uses digital tools just because and uses them to achieve maximum results. For example, instead of doing the task the usual way, adding automated software shortens the time to do it. Or a particular tool eliminates the errors usually occurring in a procedure.

Keeping business process optimization in check while formulating the transformation ensures that all processes improve in terms of speed and quality.

Technology Adaptation

Cloud, AI, advanced analytics, and IoT are some of the most relevant and adopted technologies right now. Statista [8] reports that IT spending is projected to grow by up to 4.4 trillion by 2023 as digital transformation has become a powerful innovating move for companies.

Aside from digital storage, financing, and analytics, there’s also 3D printing. The technology is also being adopted in manufacturing because it produces complex and low-cost custom designs.

With so many options for digital capabilities, it can be hard to identify which tool suits your organization. Drafting a strategy comes into play here. Updates on legacy systems and new digitalized systems are major investments. An effective strategy will include only the most helpful software for the firm.

What is slowing down your digital transformation journey?

Even though digital transformation has a huge list of benefits, 70 percent [9]of all digital transformation projects end in failure. The failure rate can be a barrier to digital transformation, as the fear of failure can discourage organizations from implementing new technologies and processes.

“When digital transformation is done right, it’s like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly, but when done wrong, all you have is a really fast caterpillar.”

— George Westerman, MIT Sloan Initiative on the Digital Economy.

Some common causes of failure in digital transformation efforts include a lack of a clear strategy, insufficient resources, complexity, resistance to change, and lack of leadership support.

      • Lack of leadership support: Digital transformation requires strong leadership support to be successful. Without it, initiatives may struggle to gain traction and be effectively implemented.
      • Slow down due to lack of resources: Slowdowns can be a barrier to digital transformation. They can hinder an organization's ability to quickly and effectively adopt new technologies and processes. An organization needs more resources, such as time, money, or personnel, to implement digital transformation initiatives.
      • Resistance to change: Change can be difficult for any organization, and digital transformation often requires significant changes to processes and workflows. This can lead to resistance from employees and other stakeholders.
      • Complexity: Digital transformation often involves integrating multiple systems and technologies, which is often complex and challenging to manage.
      • Security concerns: As organizations adopt new technologies and processes, they must also consider the potential security risks and implement appropriate measures to protect sensitive data.
      • Lack of clear goals and objectives: Digital transformation efforts can be more successful when there is a clear understanding of the goals and objectives of the project and how they align with the overall business strategy.

Failures can be prevented if businesses construct a well-planned digital transformation framework before moving ahead.

"The reality is many digital transformations fail because companies aren't integrating their business and technology strategies from the start. It's imperative that CIOs know how to quantify their progress with AI and digitization technologies and understand how to effectively communicate this value to key stakeholders." Chris Bedi, CIO, ServiceNow

How to choose the right digital transformation platform or tools?

To overcome the barriers of digital transformation, organizations must implement platforms and technologies that allow them to gather, process, and utilize data effectively and facilitate communication and collaboration with employees and customers. Look for an all-in-one platform that offers you a lot of benefits at the same cost.

Organizations can ensure that the platform or the tools they choose to drive digital transformation successfully have these factors:

      • Scalability: Ability to scale up or down as needed to support the organization's changing needs.
      • Compatibility with existing systems: It should be compatible with the organization's existing systems and technologies to facilitate integration and minimize disruptions.
      • Customization: Customizable to meet the specific needs of the organization and its users.
      • User-friendly interface: Easy to use and navigate, allowing users to quickly and easily access the needed features.
      • Security: Provide robust security features to protect sensitive data and ensure the system's integrity.
      • Communication: Support collaboration and communication among team members, allowing them to work together effectively on projects and initiatives.
      • Data management: Has strong data management capabilities, including the ability to collect, store, and analyze data from various sources.

How can I measure the digital transformation journey?

After you have selected the platform for digital transformation, it is imperative to measure its success to know whether it's working. However, measuring the success of digital transformation initiatives can be challenging, as the benefits of DX are often multifaceted and can take time to materialize. However, organizations can use several key metrics to measure success.

      1. Increased efficiency and productivity can be measured through metrics such as the time it takes to complete tasks, the number of errors, and the speed of processes.
      2. Improved customer experience can be measured through customer surveys and metrics such as customer retention and acquisition rates.
      3. Enhanced decision-making can be analyzed through the accuracy of decisions and the speed at which decisions are made.
      4. Increased revenue is visible through revenue growth and profit margins.
      5. Reduced costs can be measured through metrics such as cost per unit and the cost of goods sold.

By regularly tracking and analyzing these metrics, organizations can gain insight into the impact of their digital transformation efforts and identify areas for improvement.

How can I digitally transform my business?

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to a digital transformation journey. But there are actionable steps your organization can take at whatever stage of transformation you are in.

"Every industry and every organization will have to transform itself in the next few years. What is coming at us is bigger than the original internet, and you need to understand it, get on board with it and figure out how to transform your business." - Tim O'Reilly, Founder, and CEO, O'Reilly Media

Step #1: Assess the current digital state of your organization.

Before you start investing in new tools and technologies, you need to know where your organization stands from a digital point of view. You can achieve this by conducting a company-wide survey better to understand the main challenges and areas of improvement.

      • What are the main problems faced by employees every day?
      • Are there any manual processes that can be easily automated?
      • Is it possible to streamline projects for higher productivity?
      • What are the biggest customer complaints?
      • How can digital technologies help the company achieve its long-term goals?

Moreover, if you are using a legacy system in your company, you also need to consider how you can migrate the data to modern applications with minimal downtime. 

Take digital transformation assessment today to know where your organization stands?

Step #2: Identify and analyze the main objectives for digital transformation.

Executing a successful digital transformation starts by identifying the main objectives and the strategies that can help achieve those objectives. Many organizations often only focus on digital customer experience when strategizing their digital transformation journey. But considering, the digital employee experience is just as important because your handle all the internal company work and talk to customers directly.

Here are some of the major digital transformation objectives and goals that you can consider:

      • Transforming complex business processes into streamlined workflows to reduce costs and improve overall productivity
      • Simplifying service management in the organization
      • Gaining visibility and transparency across the different verticals
      • Offering a better digital end-user experience for both customers and employees
      • Optimizing the organization’s infrastructure and operations for better agility

Your exact objectives will depend on your organization's challenges and the main end goals.

Step #3: Create your digital transformation roadmap.

Now that you know your current position and where you want to be, it’s time to create a roadmap to help you achieve your digital transformation goals. You should take an incremental approach to digital transformation instead of trying to achieve everything at once. After all, digital transformation cannot happen in a day or even a week. It can take anywhere between a few months to several years.

Prioritize your objectives and then move forward one step at a time. Not only will this make it easier for you to track the progress, but it will also minimize problems and bottlenecks. Moreover, moving steadily towards a digitally transformed organization will allow your employees to get used to the new changes slowly.

Step #4: Establish leadership for achieving digital transformation.

Expecting your CTO or CIO to manage the entire digital transformation strategy while also handling their core work responsibilities is unrealistic. They might not have the time or the expertise to lead the company through a digital transformation journey.

Instead, you need a dedicated team led by the Chief Digital Officer (CDO) that is responsible for achieving digital transformation within the organization. If there are qualified employees within the company who have the expertise to handle this, you can create a team internally. But if you don’t have the right talent to lead the transformation, it’s always best to hire new talent to guide everyone in the company. In enterprises, it is quite challenging to accelerate growth. Find out how digital transformation leaders can make positive initiatives for a successful journey.

Step #5: Review and refine.

Constantly monitor and review all the digital transformation initiatives and modify them according to internal feedback.

After all, things don’t always work how you want them to. An application that you thought would help offer better customer service might be too complicated for your employees.

How can Kissflow accelerate your digital transformation journey?

Digital transformation is a powerful shift necessary for businesses these days. Despite the challenges and birth pains, it is something that cannot be missed in today’s highly technological and virtual world. Those who can navigate this transformation successfully experience significant growth and are well-positioned to thrive in the years to come.

A comprehensive low-code, no-code work platform like Kissflow not only aids in streamlining digital transformation efforts but improves crucial aspects of work that drive efficiency and productivity.

Kissflow digital transformation platform bridges the gap between business and IT teams, putting core functions in the driving seat.


1. What is the meaning of Digital Transformation?

Digital transformation refers to adopting new digital technologies and processes to fundamentally change how an organization operates and delivers value to its customers. It involves integrating digital technology into all areas of a business, resulting in fundamental changes to how the business operates and delivers value to its customers.

2. What’s the difference between digital transformation and business transformation?

Not every business transformation is digital transformation, but every digital transformation is a part of business transformation. Let's look at the key difference between them.

Digital Transformation

Purpose: To fundamentally change how a company operates by leveraging digital capabilities.

Objective: To enhance the company's digital capabilities to achieve its business objectives, address problems, and capitalize on opportunities.

Example: Implementing automation or artificial intelligence to streamline business processes and increase efficiency.

Business Transformation

Purpose: To Make significant changes to an organization's business model to improve its performance, competitiveness, and agility.

Objective: To overhaul the company by implementing a new business model. This process often involves significant changes to the company's products, values, and overall identity.

Example: Introducing a new business model, such as switching from a traditional brick-and-mortar retail model to an online model or introducing a subscription-based model.

3. What are the 4 main areas of digital transformation?

Customer experience, operations, products and services, and business model. Learn More here

4. What are the 5 domains of digital transformation?

Customer Experience, operations, products and services, business model, culture, and leadership.

5. What are the 3 main components of digital transformation?

People, processes, and technology

6. What are the 6 core elements of digital transformation?

Strategy, culture, processes, data, technology, and governance. Learn More

What are the six stages of digital transformation?
      1. Discovery
      2. Planning
      3. Implementation
      4. Adoption
      5. Optimization
      6. Expansion
8.Why do digital transformations fail?
        1. Lack of leadership support,
        2. Lack of a clear vision and strategy
        3. Insufficient resources
        4. Resistance to change
        5. Complexity

9.How long will my digital transformation take?

The duration of a digital transformation initiative can vary significantly depending on several factors, including the scope of the project, the complexity of the technologies involved, and the resources available. Some projects may be completed in a matter of weeks or months, while others may take several years to implement fully.

10. What are the most important keys to digital transformation success?

          1. Leadership support
          2. Clear goals and objectives
          3. Agile mindset
          4. Investment in technology
          5. Collaboration and communication
          6. Employee buy-in and engagement
          7. Continuous learning and development

Where can you Learn More about Digital Transformation?

1. Leader's Tips on Measuring the ROI of Digital Transformation in 2022

2. Key Drivers of Digital Transformation for any organization

3. Build a digital transformation framework to scale up your journey

4. How does automation support digital transformation initiatives?